President Joe Biden sees under 50 percent approval on key issues across the board less than a year before the 2024 presidential election, according to the latest Harvard/Harris poll.

The overall survey found Biden’s approval rating suffering, as 43 percent approve of him, while most, 55 percent, do not. For comparison, 57 percent approved of Biden in March 2021, and that figure rose to a high of 62 percent in June 2021.

Biden is struggling to garner approval on individual issues, as well. Less than half, 42 percent, approve of Biden’s handling of the economy, and 47 percent approve of him on the issue of “stimulating jobs.”

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Forty-five percent approve of Biden “fighting terrorism,” and only 38 percent approve of his handling of immigration — a major issue as Democrats essentially admit that they would be able to control illegal immigration flow if they actually enforced the law, revealing this in their deal to Republicans, offering to cap illegal immigration at one million per year in exchange for $61 billion in funding for Ukraine.

That aside, just 41 percent approve of Biden on foreign affairs, and 44 percent approve of him in administering the government. Another 42 percent approve of Biden’s dealing with violence and crime in the country, 39 percent approve of his handling of inflation, and 42 percent approve of his handling of the Israel-Hamas conflict.

Biden only sees majority approval on one issue: Reacting to the coronavirus — something that has not been a non-issue for quite some time after Biden lost that battle in the courts.

The survey was taken December 13-14, 2023, among 2,034 registered voters and is troubling news for Biden, building on the reality demonstrated in the latest CNN poll, which showed his approval rating sinking to the lowest level of his presidency in November, dropping to 37 percent. That reflected a two-point drop from the prior month and a 14-point drop from the 51 percent approval he saw in March 2021, at the start of his term.

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It also comes as Biden’s RealClearPolitics (RCP) average slipped into the thirties in December for the first time in more than a year.