Democrats Wasted at Least $293 Million Trying to Flip the Senate

Democratic Senate candidate Jaime Harrison speaks to supporters after conceding to his opp
Michael Ciaglo/Getty Images

Democrats poured a record-breaking $293 million into crucial Senate races in 2020, only to find out that those seats would go to the GOP.

The races were heavily funded by small-dollar donations, and even though the Democrats raked in millions of dollars in campaign cash this election cycle, races in key states have resulted in losses to the Republicans, Axios reported.

Here is a list of the following races where Democrats lost the most money:

  • South Carolina

Democrat Jaime Harrison lost to incumbent Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) and spent $108.9 million on the race. Harrison’s loss was also “the most expensive loss in the history of the U.S. Senate,” Breitbart News reported.

  • Kentucky

Democrat Amy McGrath lost to incumbent Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) and spent $90 million on the race.

  • Texas

Democrat Mary Hegar lost to incumbent Sen. John Cornyn (R-TX) and spent $24 million on the race.

  • Maine

Democrat Sara Gideon lost to incumbent Sen. Susan Collins (R-ME) and spent $69.5 million on the race.

Even though Democrats picked up Senate seats in Colorado and Arizona, their hopes of winning control of the Senate soured after losing a series of high-profile races.


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