South African Cardinal Compares U.S. Abortion Debate to Apartheid Battle

In this file picture,Head of the Catholic Church in South Africa Cardinal Wilfrid Napier c

South African Cardinal Wilfrid Fox Napier has compared America’s struggle with the abortion issue to his own nation’s battle over apartheid, underlining the importance of November’s presidential election.

“Catholic Voters in USA are facing same dilemma as generations of South Africans during the time of apartheid,” Cardinal Napier wrote in a tweet Friday. “Is there any choice other than to be guided by Jesus, his Gospel and the Teaching of those he has put in charge of his Church? What is God’s will at this time?”

A staunch pro-life advocate, the cardinal has called the abortion pandemic “the New Holocaust,” noting that “the same company that created the gas to exterminate innocent people in the Holocaust also developed the abortion pill that kills innocent babies.”

“How can a culture that destroys its unborn babies with such abandon ever hope to have a happy or peaceful future, which is the deepest-seated desire of every human heart?” the cardinal asked in 2018.

In the summer of 2016, Napier called for an apology for the countless deaths at the hands of the U.S. abortion industry and, in particular, the disproportionate number of black babies who have been aborted, which he referred to as “genocide.”

Quoting the figure of more than 57 million babies legally aborted in the United States since the 1973 Roe v. Wade Supreme Court decision (from Planned Parenthood’s own Guttmacher Institute), the cardinal asked: “Isn’t this something we should be apologizing for?”

By functional standards, abortion is the most racist institution in the United States, with black children eliminated at nearly four times the rate of white children.

Among white women, there are 138 abortions for every 1000 live births; among blacks, there are 501 abortions for every 1000 births. This means that blacks are aborted at 3.6 times the rate of whites.

Along with his condemnation of the U.S. abortion industry, Cardinal Napier has denounced the Black Lives Matter (BLM) movement, which he said is “committed to dismantling the very values, structure and institutions” central to a healthy society.

The mission statement of Black Lives Matter “indicates the movement is being hijacked by the interests and parties committed to dismantling the very values, structure and institutions which have over the centuries undergird the best civilisations and cultures!” the cardinal tweeted in July.

In his critique, Napier joined a growing group of Christian and black leaders who have denounced BLM for its abandonment of the nuclear family and its total embrace of the LGBT agenda, including the banishment of “heteronormativity” and the espousal of “queer culture.”

In his assessment of BLM’s problems, the cardinal noted that if BLM were truly concerned with the value of black lives, it would denounce the abortion industry and its disproportionate attack on black lives.

“Another crucial test of the authenticity of the Black Lives Matter movement will be its stance vis a vis Planned Parenthood and the Abortion Industry!” the cardinal noted in a separate tweet.

“The same test applies when assessing the sincerity of those who voice thunderous condemnation against Domestic Violence, (erroneously called “Gender based Violence) as opposed to the absolute silence concerning Violence inflicted upon Babies in their mother’s womb!” he added.

Apartheid, which the cardinal compared to abortion, was a system of institutionalized racial segregation in South Africa that guaranteed absolute dominion of the country by the nation’s minority white population.

Apartheid was finally overcome in the early 1990s thanks to the courage and persistence of members of the anti-apartheid movement.


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