Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) reportedly laughed when informed that Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) would be delivering a major Wednesday campaign speech embracing “democratic socialism.”

According to a Wednesday report in the Atlantic, Warren on Sunday evening then punted when pressed further, saying that she would first “have to hear his speech”:

Making Elizabeth Warren laugh can be tricky. Throwing her off her talking points is almost impossible. Both happened when she heard that her 2020 opponent Bernie Sanders is scheduled to deliver a “major address” today titled, according to his campaign, “How Democratic Socialism Is the Only Way to Defeat Oligarchy and Authoritarianism.”

According to the report, Warren contrasted “Sanders’s vision of democratic socialism” with the“bold structural change” she has called for on the stump with her variety of plans.

At George Washington University in Washington, DC, on Wednesday afternoon, Sanders defined his brand of democratic socialism, proclaiming that “economic rights are human rights.”

“This is what I mean by democratic socialism,” Sanders said.

Arguing that upward mobility is in peril in America, Sanders pointed out that the life expectancy for men in McDowell County, West Virginia, is 64 years while the life expectancy for men 350 miles away in Fairfax County, Virginia, one of the nation’s most prosperous “super zips,” is 82 years. For women in those two counties, the differential, according to Sanders, is 12 years instead of the 18 years for men.

“Poverty, economic distress and despair are life-threatening issues for millions of working people in this country,” Sanders said. “While the rich get richer, they live longer lives while the poor and working families struggle economically and often lack adequate health care, their life expectancy is declining for the first time in modern American history.”

Sanders and Warren are courting the same type of left-wing voters, and Sanders delivered his speech on democratic socialism after Warren in recent weeks has gained considerable momentum, especially with voters who were once with Sanders.

As Breitbart News noted, “very liberal” Democrats preferred Warren over Sanders in a Quinnipiac poll last month. Since that poll, Warren has surpassed Sanders in a national Economist/YouGov poll and a Nevada state poll.