Hillary Clinton Told FBI That State Dept. Did Not Train Her on Protecting Classified Information

Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton waves entering the Court Street Diner in

Hillary Clinton told FBI questioners numerous times that she did not receive the various guidance documents and training sessions from State Department officials that employees get to ensure they protect and preserve their official emails and computer documents.

She told the FBI that she did not get official guidance for using email in her job at the State Department.

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Here is her statement that she was not told about the Department’s process for keeping and preserving official documents.

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She said she was not told the department’s process for classifying documents.

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She said she was not trained on handling classified information.

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That claim is a puzzle because her signature is attached to a 2009 State Department document testifying that she was trained on handling classified information. That contradiction was highlighted by The Weekly Standard.

Clinton said did not remember getting trained on protecting super-secret “Special Access Program” information, such as data from spy satellites.

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She said she was not told the rules for using the president’s email address. Screen Shot 2016-09-02 at 2.59.37 PM

She said she did not know that she had to turn over her official government records to the government’s official record depository.

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Read the FBI reports here.






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