Pirro: ‘Trump Is Bringing America Back in Front of Our Eyes’ — ‘It’s Time for the Un-American Haters to Get on Board’

Fox News Channel “Justice” host Jeanine Pirro declared “America is back” Saturday in her opening statement.

“We have a president who steamrolls the economy to historic heights, consumer confidence at an 18-year high, a stock market hitting record highs, tax cuts for everyone and unemployment is not just down, there are actually more jobs than there are people to fill them,” Pirro stated. “African-American unemployment is at its lowest in the history of this country, and the same with Hispanics. Our businesses will be able to compete again as we get our mojo back on the world stage.”

Pirro noted how President Trump is “dominating” the G7 Summit in Charlevoix, Quebec, because “world leaders are all over him.”

“Donald Trump is bringing America back in front of our eyes and it’s time for the un-American haters to get on board,” she added.

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