Dem Rep Smith: ‘The Credibility of the Presidency Has Never Been at a Lower Point’

On Friday’s broadcast of CNN’s “Situation Room,” Representative Adam Smith (D-WA) stated that “the credibility of the presidency has never been at a lower point.”

Smith said, “Well, that’s the thing that really stands out, is the fundamental dishonesty of the president of the United States. And that goes to everything. I mean, that goes to the credibility of our country. We are in the middle of some very, very complicated issues, both national — both in the country and internationally. … And who in the world right now can trust anything that the president says? I mean, he lies every other day. And the thing is, you know he lies because he is contradicting himself. It’s not a matter of him saying something that we then have to prove is untrue. He said the exact opposite thing a mere matter of, sometimes, hours or days before. So, I think the credibility of the presidency has never been at a lower point. And that undermines everything we’re trying to accomplish as a country.”

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