Al Sharpton: Trump ‘in the Raw’ Is Not Coherent

Friday on MSNBC’s “Deadline: White House,” network host Al Sharpton said  President Donald Trump’s Thursday morning interview on Fox News Channel’s “Fox & Friends” showed he was not “coherent.”

Sharpton said, “You know, I come on Sunday mornings, 8:00, at PoliticsNation live. I’ll make a deal with President Trump. He can call any Sunday morning live. I won’t say anything. I’ll let him talk and it will drive out the vote that people need in the midterm election. I would just let him go.”

He added, “The longer he talks, the more you will see people line up, because to have him in the raw, as they did yesterday, shows people how come people like me take the position we do. We don’t think this president is coherent. Not only did he trip up his legal case and that of Michael Cohen, here’s a guy that had nothing to do. I mean, they had to tell him, you are busy, Mr. President. He kept talking.”

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