Brzezinski Chides DNC for Lawsuit — ‘It Seems Like the Democrats Can’t Seem Hit a Home Run on Any Level’

Monday on MSNBC’s “Morning Joe,” host Mika Brzezinski revealed she wasn’t entirely onboard with the Democratic National Committee’s lawsuit against President Donald Trump and his 2016 campaign seeking damages for the 2016 presidential election loss.

Brzezinski described the suit as the Democratic Party being unable to “hit a home run.”

“It seems like the Democrats can’t seem to hit a home run on any level,” she said. “That’s just my opinion. I’ve been criticized for it before, but it just feels like the timing is off here.”

Politico’s Jake Sherman said many elected Democrats agreed with her assessment and said they felt the party was “maniacally” focused on the aspect of the allegations that Russia interfered in the election.

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