Dershowitz: Comey Memos ‘Not Incriminating’ – ‘Will Help’ the President if he Faces Charges

On Friday’s broadcast of the Fox News Channel’s “America’s Newsroom,” Harvard Law Professor Alan Dershowitz argued that former FBI Director James Comey’s memos aren’t incriminating and “will help, not hurt the president if he were to face any kind of legal charges.”

Dershowitz said, “I think the memos are not incriminating. They are somewhat ambiguous. They’re self-serving. But in the end, I think they will help, not hurt the president if he were to face any kind of legal charges. Because you’d expect the head of the FBI to be a lot firmer about alleged criminal conduct if he was a direct witness to it. And of course, Comey has provided the Trump defense with the greatest possible weapon if he ever takes the stand against Trump, and that is manuscripts of his book, earlier drafts, all would subject him to cross-examination, plus the memos, which will be unredacted when it comes to trial. So, I think this is probably a benefit to the president rather than a detriment.”

(h/t Grabien)

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