Comey No Longer a ‘Republican’ — GOP ‘Has Left Me,’ ‘Reflects Now Entirely Donald Trump’s Values’

Wednesday on ABC News’ “Start Here” podcast, former FBI Director James Comey said the presidency of Donald Trump had caused him to no longer consider himself a Republican.

When asked if he was a Republican, Comey said, “No. The Republican party has left me, and many others. I need no better evidence then their new website which I think is LyinComey maybe, attacking me. I just think they’ve lost their way and I can’t be associated with it.”

He continued, “These people don’t represent anything I believe in.”

He added, “I see the Republican Party, as near as I can tell, reflects now entirely Donald Trump’s values. It doesn’t reflect values at all. It’s transactional. It’s ego-driven, it’s in service to his ego. And it’s, I think, consoling itself that we’re going to achieve important policy goals — a tax cut or something. As I say in the book, only a fool would be consoled by a particular Supreme Court pick or a policy achievement in a trade for the core values of this country.”

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