Biden: Trump Is ‘A Joke’ – He’s ‘Doing Everything That Putin Ever Wanted’

During an interview with CNN on Tuesday, former Vice President Joe Biden stated that President Trump “is doing everything that Putin ever wanted” by attacking the FBI and the president is “a joke.”

Biden said, “This is the first president to make a full-throated, unvarnished attack on the entirety of the FBI. … This was — this is to discredit the FBI and discredit his own Justice Department. You know, look, I spent a lot of time traveling around the world. What do you think they’re thinking in Moscow? This is doing everything that Putin ever wanted, sowing doubt about whether or not our justice system is fair, sowing doubt about whether or not there is anything that’s remotely consistent with our Constitution. It’s just — it’s a disaster.”

He later referenced Trump’s comments about Democrats not applauding during the State of the Union. Anchor Chris Cuomo then stated, “They say it was tongue-in-cheek. Democrats can’t take a joke.” Biden responded, “Well, let me tell you, he’s a joke.”

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