Maher: Border Wall Represents ‘Bigotry,’ ‘Racism,’ ‘Ignorance,’ ‘Paranoia’

On Friday’s broadcast of HBO’s “Real Time,” host Bill Maher told Trump supporters they don’t need a border wall “Because everything that wall represents, the bigotry, the racism, the ignorance, the paranoia, is already in your heart.”

At the end of a monologue about the border wall, Maher said, “Trumpsters, you don’t need it. Because everything that wall represents, the bigotry, the racism, the ignorance, the paranoia, is already in your heart. Yes, the wall has been inside you the whole time. Trump just brought it out. Because he’s the jackass whisperer. But you don’t need it. Every time you vote for a child molester because the other choice is a Democrat, the wall is there. Every time you feel rage because a voice recording says, ‘For Spanish, press 2,’ the wall is there. It’s there whenever you begin a Facebook post with, ‘I’m not a racist, but…’ And it’s there every time a unisex bathroom makes you hold it till you get home. It’s there when snow makes you deny global warming. And it’s there at the ballgame when two gays on the kiss-cam make you throw up in your mouth. Every time you use air quotes when you say the word ‘college,’ the wall is there. It’s there when you use ‘Jew’ as a verb. And it’s there every time you’re Tucker Carlson. So, you don’t need a wall. Because, you see, even without it, you’re still the grumpy asshole who ruins Thanksgiving.”

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