Donny Deutsch: Trump ‘Is an Evil Man’

Friday on MSNBC’s “Morning Joe,” during a discussion about President Donald Trump’s reported reference to “shithole countries,” network contributor Donny Deutsch said Trump was “an evil man.”

Deutsch said, “I think there’s a word we have to start to use with Donald Trump in addition to all of the crazy talk you have right now. If you take Charlottesville and his blessing and love of or kinship with understanding there are nice Nazis out there, if we take his implied support of a pedophile, and now if we take this additional, very clear racist thing, he is an evil man.”

He added, “You know we don’t talk about that a lot. We talk about he’s insane. He’s crazy. That’s evil. This is just an evil, evil man. To me the kill shot in that quote was Norway. You know, after that, it was — if in any way you could twist that racist statement, but then you add, ‘But let’s let the white guys in.’ By the way, when I say white, Norway, ‘Let’s let the Aryans in.’ You know what I mean? You couldn’t get any whiter than Norway. Not ‘Let’s let more British in.’ ‘Let’s the Norwegians in.’ And so we are talking now our president is not only racist, is not only stupid, is not only imbalanced, he is evil.”

(h/t Grabien)

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