Mark Steyn: In the End, Trump Presidency ‘Will Stand or Fall on How He Tackles Immigration’

Friday on Rush Limbaugh’s nationally syndicated radio show, conservative commentator Mark Steyn filling in for Limbaugh argued that there was much hanging in the balance for President Donald Trump regarding his immigration policy.

Steyn credited Trump’s bold stand on immigration for getting him elected but said that presidency would “stand or fall” on how he handles immigration.

“[T]here’s a lobby — there’s lobbies for everything in this country,” Steyn said. “And there’s a strong lobby for illegal immigration. There’s a strong lobby for refugees, which again is a completely fraudulent operation by and large. Trump won because a significant were serious about building a wall, about ending illegal immigration and about doing something about people who walk into this country illegally, stay here illegally, take jobs illegally, get driver’s licenses illegally, use Social Security numbers illegally. And at some point … I would have liked him to hold the inauguration ceremony on the southern border and for it to culminate after the oath of office with him ceremonial laying the brick in the wall. But in the end, his presidency will stand or fall on how he tackles immigration.”

Steyn pointed to how low-skilled mass immigration has impacted the American economy, and there is a demand for low-skilled workers. He added that it isn’t just policy for Trump that is important and shifting “attitudes” as well.

“In the end, the Trump presidency I believe will stand or fall on how permanently he manages to shift not just the number of people coming into the country, but how he manages to shift attitudes towards remorseless unskilled mass immigration,” Steyn added. “That’s what got him elected, and that’s what actually be the basis on which his presidency is judged.”

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