Feinstein on Impeachment: My Concern About Trump’s Ability to Do His Job ‘Rises by the Day’

Sunday on NBC’s “Meet the Press,” when asked about the possible impeachment of President Donald Trump, Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) said her concern about Trump’s ability to perform his duties “rises with the day.”

Partial transcript as follows:

FEINSTEIN: the concern rises with the day. the concern about this White House –

TODD:  The concern about the president? Your concern about this president’s ability to dot job rises by the day?

FEINSTEIN: Oh, yes. oh, yes. I’ve been here for 25 years now. There is a kind of instability, unpredictability. It’s one issue after the other. We’ve got major problems in the world with our allies now, in the Middle eCast, with North Korea, it goes on and on. And I think that this president is just precipitating more and more angst that’s going to lead to serious discord.

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