Listen: Trump Records Robocall for AL Senate Candidate Luther Strange

Monday, Sen. Luther Strange’s (R-AL) campaign released audio of a robocall President Donald Trump recorded in support of Strange.

Trump initially endorsed Strange last week on Twitter. Strange is in a three-way race for the GOP nomination for December’s general election, with former Alabama Supreme Court Justice Roy Moore and Rep. Mo Brooks (R-AL).

Alabama Republican voters will decide tomorrow which two candidates among a field of nine will participate in a probable runoff scheduled for next month.

“President Trump’s endorsement and kind words speak volumes about his trust in my leadership in the United States Senate,” Strange said in a statement. “It is an honor to work with him to make America great again.”

Transcript of the call as follows:

Hi, this is President Donald Trump, and I love the people of Alabama and I hope you go out and vote for Luther Strange for Senate. It is so important that you do. We ‘ve fulfilled so many of our promises everything we’ve wanted to do we’re doing. Unemployment is at a record low, jobs are flowing back into the country, we have a great Supreme Court Judge in Justice Gorsuch, we are doing things a lot of people said were impossible, but I need Luther to help us out. So tomorrow go to the polls it’s August 15th Tuesday go to those polls and vote for Luther Strange. He is helping me in the Senate and is going to get the tax cuts for us. He’s doing a lot of things for the people of Alabama and for the people of The United States. Thank you very much and go vote for Luther Strange.

Follow Jeff Poor on Twitter @jeff_poor


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