Maher: The Best Thing You Can do for the Environment Is ‘Not Produce Another Resource-Sucking’ Human

On Friday’s broadcast of HBO’s “Real Time,” host Bill Maher pitched a holiday for people who don’t have children and argued that not having children is the best thing you can do for the environment.

Maher said, “Now that we’ve had Mother’s Day and Father’s Day, let’s set aside this Sunday to celebrate people who are neither, with a new holiday called, ‘I Didn’t Reproduce Day.'”

Maher clarified that there isn’t anything wrong with “having a small number of children.”

He later stated, “[N]obody ever celebrates us, and they really should. Because you know what Mother Nature loves even more than electric cars? Condoms. There’s literally nothing you can do that’s better for the environment than to not produce another resource-sucking, waste-making human being, probably with a bad attitude.”

He later added that having or not having children doesn’t have a “moral dimension” to it, and is merely a matter of preference.

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