Dem Rep Cummings: Russia Investigation 'Is a Fight for the Soul of Our Democracy'

Dem Rep Cummings: Russia Investigation ‘Is a Fight for the Soul of Our Democracy’

Elijah Cummings

Sunday on MSNBC’s “AM Joy,” discussing President Donald Trump’s firing of FBI Director James Comey and the investigation into Russia’s interference in the 2016 presidential election, Rep. Elijah Cummings (D-MD) called that investigation “a fight for the soul of our democracy.”

Cummings said, “We are going to do everything in our power, if there is a tape, to get that tape. This whole situation with regard to this conversation is very significant with regard to the investigation, with regard to Russia, to collusion and things of that nature. So we need to know and we need to know who’s telling the truth and who’s lying.”

When asked if any Republican colleagues have expressed outrage, Cummings said, “I think there is some outrage, but I think there are two things happening. One, many of them are afraid that Trump will run somebody from their right against them and they will lose their seats. The other think that this thing will just blow over and is not such a big deal. But I told them over and over again that this is a fight for the soul of our democracy. And, so, I even told Jason Chaffetz, I said, ‘Chaffetz the question is going to become when all of this is over, what kind of country are we going to have.’ And that is a good question.”

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