Watch: Man Carrying American Flag Punches Berkeley Man Who Confronts Him for Carrying Flag

Kyle Chapman, known as “Based Stickman” on Facebook, was arrested in Berkeley, CA Monday after fighting with a group who confronted him for carrying an American flag around town.

Chapman was walking around Berkeley wearing a baseball helmet and toting the flag while being filmed to promote a free-speech rally scheduled for Saturday.

A group of youths approached Chapman, telling him and his cameraman to leave.

One man got in Chapman’s face, challenging him to fight.

Chapman then punched his aggressor in the face. As he swung, another member of the group hit Chapman with a skateboard.

According to Chapman, the group then called the police on him.

Chapman and the man he punched, 33-year-old Emmanuel Hall, were both detained. Hall allegedly brandished him with a large knife.

They both received citations.

Chapman wrote in the video caption, “This is another example of left-wing thugs trying to intimidate and threaten real Americans when we try to exercise our First Amendment rights. We CANNOT let that fly.”

(h/t The Blaze)

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