Buchanan: Trump’s MOAB Strike Delivered a ‘Message’ to North Korea

Pat Buchanan

Thursday on WABC’s “The Rita Cosby Show,” conservative commentator Pat Buchanan said today’s “mother of all bombs” (MOAB)  attack on an ISIS tunnel complex in Afghanistan was also meant to send a “message” to North Korea.

Buchanan said, “First, I think it is obviously a sign that Donald Trump is listening to his generals and is getting much tougher and is accepting their advice. This is meant to go into these tunnels and kill al-Qaida or ISIS right where they live. But let me say, Rita, this is a second message that’s being sent – and it’s to the North Koreans. The North Koreans, they have their tests, their atom bombs deep in tunnels, and I think what it is, is a message to them that we can get down in there and kill your people underground as well as above-ground – and so I would think that’s a message to North Korea as well.”

(h/t Newsmax)

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