Jeff Sessions: ‘The Border Is Not Open — Please Don’t Come’

Tuesday on Fox News Channel’s “Hannity,” U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions explained to host Sean Hannity how border security has changed since President Donald Trump took office nearly three months ago.

Sessions went on to add it was the intention of the Trump administration to send the message the border was not open.

“[C]an you believe that we have had the lowest number of entrances at the border in 17 years? This is the direct result of Donald Trump’s strong, clear leadership. It has an impact. The most important thing for us is to send a message to the world that the border is not open. Please don’t come. You will be apprehended if you do come, and you will be deported promptly. And if you’re a criminal, you’ll be prosecuted. And if you assault our officers, we’re going to come at you with a ton of bricks. This is the kind of message we need to send. It is already being sent. It is having a dramatic effect so far. I knew strong presidential leadership unlike the wishy-washiness we’ve seen in the past would impact the flow, but not as much as we’ve seen already. The numbers are down 70 percent since President Obama left office. It is really a remarkable achievement.”

(h/t RCP Video)

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