Dershowitz Gives Spicer a Pass on ‘Hitler’ Remarks, Rips DNC for ‘Hypocrisy’

Tuesday on “CNN Tonight,” Harvard Law Professor Alan Dershowitz reacted to the incorrect statement by White House press secretary Sean Spicer saying not even Adolf Hitler used chemical weapons, as he was defending the President Donald Trump’s decision to attack a Syrian airbase for that government’s reported use of chemical weapons.

Dershowitz said he was prepared to give Spicer a pass on this given Spicer’s apology. However, he also condemned the Democratic National Committee’s efforts to politicize Spicer’s mistake, despite having possible issues with anti-Semitism within its organization.

“[W]hat happened here is the guy screwed up,” Dershowitz said. “He apologized, and he apologized from his heart, and I am prepared to give him a pass on this. I’ll tell you who I am not prepared to give a pass on this: the Democratic National Committee that has immediately decided to politicize this, and they sent out immediate tweets saying ‘We can’t tolerate anti-Semitism or even a whiff of anti-Semitism.’ This is the Democratic National Committee, who has as its co-chairman, Keith Ellison … who didn’t recognize the fact that he was working for an anti-Semite, Farrakhan. This is just hypocrisy, and I think we should not make politics out of this.”

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