CNN’s Smerconish on Meryl Streep: All This Does Is Energize Trump’s Base

Monday on CNN’s “New Day,” network weekend host Michael Smerconish reacted to remarks made by Hollywood actress Meryl Streep aimed at President-elect Donald Trump a night earlier at the Golden Globes awards ceremony.

According to Smerconish, Streep’s effort won’t damage Trump and will instead “energize his base.”

“If she wanted to hurt him, the best thing she could do is praise him,” Smerconish said. “Because all this does is energize his base. Chris, I think he loves things like this with a high-profile Hollywood celebrity. And frankly, there will be more water cooler conversation today at the workplace as whether Meryl Streep really is an overrated actor than there will be on the Affordable Care Act replacement, Russian hack or the hearings that someone was just talking about, which have such great importance. So, the diversionary impact — whether it is deliberate or not, we can discuss — is very real.”

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