Obama: GOP ‘Afraid’ to Show America What They Will Replace Obamacare With

Friday on a live webcast for Vox, President Barack Obama said the Republicans were “afraid” to show their plan to replace the Affordable Care Act.

Obama said,”The strategy of repeal first and replace later is just a huge disservice to the American people.”

He continued, “And if they are so convinced that can do it better, they shouldn’t be afraid to make that presentation. It is really interesting to try to figure out why is it that they are trying to rush the repeal so quick. What is it that they are afraid of? Why wouldn’t they want to say, here’s our plan? And show side by side here is why our plan is better than what Obamacare has produced. Because they have said absolutely adamantly that they can do it better. I’m saying to every Republican right now, if you in fact can put a plan together that is demonstrably better than what Obamacare is doing, I will publicly support repealing Obamacare and replacing it with your plan. But I want to see it first. I want to see it first.”

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