Dem Rep Waters: ‘I Don’t Trust Him,’ ‘I Don’t Believe Him,’ I Will Not Work With Trump

Monday on MSNBC while discussing if Democrats should try to find common ground and work with President-elect Donald Trump, Rep. Maxine Waters (D-CA) said, “I don’t trust him. I don’t believe him. I have no intentions sitting down with him. I am going to fight him every inch of the way.”

Waters said, “I tell you that’s been a problem in my party that when we are in power, we are nice. We bend over backwards to work with people.  Trump has stepped on everybody. He has no respect for his own colleagues, let alone those on the opposite side of the aisle. He’s called names and lied and he’s done everything—he shows that he does not have good values and he cannot be trusted. Why should we work with someone that we cannot trust? He will tell you one thing today and another thing tomorrow. As a matter of fact those people who voted for him ought to be concerned about the fact that he’s already back-pedaled on some of the promises he made. So no, I have no intention of pretending everything is alright, we are going to work together. For me, as a ranking member of the Financial Services Committee, where he says he’s going to bring down Dodd Frank and he’s going to get rid of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, I am going to fight him every inch of the way.”

She added, “Oh no I won’t go. I am not going to sit down with him and go and pretend — enough pretending, this business of calling names and lying and retreating on your promises etc. Why should I trust him to be any different with me? I am the ranking member on the House Financial Services Committee , and I have been working hard to implement Dodd Frank reform. We went through a terrible crisis in 2008. Many people lost their homes and the banks got away with murder. No, I don’t trust him. I don’t believe him. I have no intentions sitting down with him. I am going to fight him every inch of the way. I am going to help show the American people that they too cannot trust him, that this is a man that does not deliver on his promises. This is a man who has cheated students in the so call-called Trump University. This is a man who did not pay his contractors.”

(h/t NTK)

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