Glenn Beck Mocks Sarah Palin: ‘Has She Had a Brain Aneurysm?’

Monday night on “Glenn Beck Program,” host Glenn Beck mockingly wondered if Sarah Palin has had brain aneurysm.

Beck said, “Sincerely, has she had a brain aneurysm? Because I don’t know what has happened to her.”

Discussing her “crazy” endorsement of President-elect Donald Trump, in a high pitched mocking voice Beck impersonated Palin saying, “I love him. He’s great and I can see him from my kitchen window.”

Beck then pointed to Palin’s criticisms over Trump’s Carrier deal which stopped the company from moving jobs to Mexico saying, “You own it, Sarah. You brought it to the table. How are you — he said he would do that!”

While Palin was Trump’s first major endorsement, Beck’s opposition to Trump has been unrivaled. The radio talker regularly describes Trump as a Hitler-like psychopath with supporters Beck has compared to Nazi Brownshirts.

His disdain for Trump reached a crescendo in April when he donned swim goggles and rubbed his face in a bowl of crushed Cheetos to see if he could “look like Donald Trump.”

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