Maher: ‘Can You At This Point’ Be a Good Person and Support Trump?

Bill Maher on 5/13/16 "Real Time"

On Friday’s broadcast of HBO’s “Real Time,” host Bill Maher wondered if it was possible to be a good person and still support GOP presidential nominee Donald Trump.

Maher said, “The people of Idaho, Wyoming, Arkansas, Oklahoma, West Virginia, Kentucky, I know they’re Republican, mostly, but they’re human, right? These are human beings? What the f*ck does it take, in this country, to have being a human being supersede being a Republican?”

After former Senator Bob Kerrey (D-NE) stated that there are good people who are supporting Trump, Maher asked, “Can you at this point?” After Kerrey argued that you could, Maher stated, “I don’t get that.”

He added, “If the basket fits. Well, if you’re deplorable — I mean, if you have deplorable beliefs, you’re deplorable.”

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