Palin: ‘No Matter What Trump Does on Immigration, It’s Going to Be Better Than What Hillary Will Do’

Thursday on Fox News Channel’s “The O’Reilly Factor,” former Gov. Sarah Palin (R-AK), the 2008 GOP vice-presidential nominee, reacted to reports that current Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump was softening on immigration policy.

According to Palin, regardless of what Trump is doing on immigration, it will be better than the alternative, which is what Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton do with regards to immigration.

“Well granted, you just have to do your ABC’s — ‘Anybody But Clinton’ — to understand that no matter what Trump does on immigration, it’s going to be better than what Hillary will do, which is incentivize more illegals to come on over and continue this unsustainable, unaffordable and unfair incentivizing as we’re $200 trillion in unfunded liability in debt, our nation,” Palin said. “Hillary will employ practices just to perpetuate that. Anything that Trump does is better. But, why would it be that independents or right-thinking Democrats would want to come over to Trump’s side just based on this issue once they realize that our nation [is] in such, in such sinful debt as we’re leaving to our children and our grandchildren.”

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