Judge Jeanine: ‘Bill and Hillary Clinton Are the Bonnie and Clyde of American Politics’

During Saturday’s “Opening Statement” on Fox News Channel’s “Justice,” host Judge Jeanine Pirro blasted Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton and her husband former President Bill Clinton over the  “shady Clinton Foundation dealings.”

Pirro likened the Clintons to the infamous crime duo of Bonnie and Clyde, accusing Bill and Hillary Clinton of being “willing to sell anything to the highest bidder for money and power.”

Partial transcript as follows:

“Why would a woman, a lawyer no less, one experienced many times over in the ways of Washington, risk placing classified information, our live assets, the placement of satellites, drones and our most secret plans on an unprotected, non-government, non-capturable server? Why would she violate federal regulations upon which she was schooled just before she became secretary of state? Not to mention violate federal criminal laws that would put her in jail. She’s too smart to do that. Why would she take the time to make the effort to hide, destroy and delete 33,000 e-mails? Now we know.”

“She did it for the most selfish of reasons. The oldest of motives. She did it for greed and for power and for the almighty dollar. She did it to hide her shady Clinton Foundation dealings. She did it in order to do favors for Clinton donors and to put a price tag on our state department. The same duo who came up with a scheme to rent out the Lincoln bedroom is back in business with a new and bigger scheme, one that is more far-reaching and worldwide, one that violates not only the law but all codes of moral and ethical conduct in government. A couple willing to sell anything to the highest bidder for money and power.”

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