Mother of Benghazi Victim: Hillary ‘Ought to Be Wearing Stripes,’ ‘My Son Is Dead Because of Her’

Patricia Smith, whose son, Sean, was killed in the September 11, 2012 terrorist attacks in Benghazi, Libya said that Democratic presidential candidate former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton “ought to be wearing stripes” and “My son is dead because of her” on Monday’s “Varney & Co.” on the Fox Business Network.

Smith said, “My feeling is that she went on TV afterwards, telling everybody that I was the liar, that there’s someone here that is lying, and it wasn’t her, and that I was liar. I want her to apologize to me for calling me a liar on TV, because this is clearly not true. And I want to know why my son was left to die breathing in diesel smoke, which is the most horrible way to die, and she didn’t do anything to stop it. She could have.”

Smith added that Hillary “ought to be in — she ought to be wearing stripes. I want to see this woman in stripes, because she lied, and the different things that she did say, were very, totally wrong. My son is dead because of her. I would like to talk to her, even though I know I would be the bad one in that.”

Smith also stated that she hadn’t been contacted by anyone to do media appearances “other than local radio stations and Fox stations, and I’ve talked to them.”

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