Kasich: If Someone Crosses Into US Illegally, ‘We’ve Got to Send Them Back Now’ ‘No More Coming In’


Republican presidential candidate Ohio Governor John Kasich declared, “f somebody comes across that border, we’ve got to send them back now. No more coming in” during a town hall on MSNBC on Thursday.

Kasich said, “I absolutely believe we have to secure the border. I know we have to secure the border. We were just talking here about what — in ’86, Reagan and the Republicans and Democrats passed a plan on immigration, but we just talked about it. We didn’t enforce it, and we need to enforce it, and we have to protect our border. And I’ll tell you, it’s not just because of that. I worry about ISIS, or people who are part of that, coming into our country. So it’s a given, you know, it’s a given, we do that, but we shouldn’t just do that, and then wait to do, do it all at one time. And the other thing is, if somebody comes across that border, we’ve got to send them back now. No more coming in. And you’ve got to do it legally, okay.”

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