Nancy Cohen: ‘It’s Important To Elect a Woman President’ Because They’ll ‘Do Things In Office Differently’

Author and historian Nancy Cohen stated that while “it’s not just any woman,” “it’s important to elect a woman president, and elect women leaders…because they’re going to do things in office differently than a man would do” while commenting on on her Los Angeles Times op-ed, “Why women should vote for women” on Tuesday’s “Alan Colmes Show.”

Cohen said that “[I]t’s not just any woman, like it’s not just any progressive.” She continued that all voters pick candidates that share their values and interests, and can do the best job. Cohen then stated, “[P]articularly when you’re looking at women who have a history of feminist advocacy or accomplishment, what you see, is that these women prioritize women’s equality, and opportunity, and participation in the economy and politics to a far greater degree than men do. And that it’s important to elect a woman president, and elect women leaders, not just because it would be historic, and not just because it would be symbolic, but because they’re going to do things in office differently than a man would do.”

She later added, “What strikes me is that, our political debate often talks about, well, white working-class men are supporting these candidates, because they know that their economic interests will be protected by those particular candidates. But as soon as women look to a woman candidate, where all the evidence shows that women are — women candidates are more likely to protect the interests of women, all of a sudden it’s identity politics, and it’s dismissed, and we’re accused of voting with our vaginas, in that most ridiculous of this year’s tropes in the Democratic Party.”

Cohen also argued, “The stakes in this election couldn’t be higher, for women, for immigrants, for African-Americans when it comes to voting rights, for young people when it comes to voting rights. I mean, we are looking at the potential of turning back all the progress of the last 50-100 years if any Republican who currently looks like he could be president is president.”

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