Geraldo on Cruz’s ‘New York Values’ Remarks: ‘I Know a Coded Message When I See One’

Friday on Fox News Channel’s “Fox & Friends,” Fox News contributor Geraldo Rivera doubled down on his criticisms of Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX), a candidate for the 2016 GOP presidential nomination, that he had made a night earlier on the same network.

Rivera said Cruz’s use of “New York values” to criticize his opponent Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump was a coded message meant to convey anti-Semitism.

“When you say ‘New York values,’ ‘money’ and ‘media,’ what do you need really before you get to the caricature, the coded message, the dog whistle that he is trying to set,” Rivera said. “What do you need, a cartoon with someone with a big nose, an anti-Semitic cartoon from another era? This was designed to bring to the heartland the negative impression of greedy New Yorkers trying to take money out of people’s pockets.”

“I know a coded message when I see one,” he added.

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