RNC Chair: Trump Has Brought in Millions of New Voters to Our Party

Sunday on CBS’s “Face the Nation,” Republican National Committee chairman Reince Priebus said Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump has “brought in millions of new voters to our party.”

Partial transcript as follows:

DICKERSON: There’s been a lot of talk this would be about if Donald Trump is the nominee he would have special challenges in the general election with two groups, with women voters and then also with Hispanics. As somebody who cares about the health of the party how much of a challenge he is special challenge would Donald Trump be as the party nominee?

PRIEBUS: Well, look, every candidate has positives and every candidates have challenges that you have to overcome in general election. But the fact is Donald Trump also brought in millions of new voters to our party. We’re ahead of Democrats and registration. 70% turn out increase. Some of these things are historic for our party.Look at the Democrats, they’re in the ditch. What about Hillary Clinton, have you seen her numbers with women? Some of this stuff is pretty startling, I understand that we’ve got some drama in our side of the aisle that we’ll have to contend with we’ll be prepared to like never before. You look at the Democrats they’re in for a fiasco. Especially comes in indicts Hillary Clinton and have open convention, who knows, I’ve heard people talking about Joe Biden coming back into the fold. There is drama but we’re prepared and we’re going to win and we’re going to retake the White House in November.

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