Julieta Garibay: Trump, Rubio, and Cruz Are Saying It’s Okay To Racist Against Latino Immigrants, Using ‘Hate Speech’


Julieta Garibay, the Campaigns Director for United We Dream Action argued that Republican presidential candidates Donald Trump and Texas Senator Ted Cruz, along with Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL) are saying ” if you’re an anti-immigrant, if you’re racist, it’s perfectly okay to make it loud, and actually to use violence against these people” on Saturday’s “The Place for Politics” on MSNBC.

Garbiay said, “[W]e know that what Trump, what Rubio, what Cruz have been doing is to basically say, you know what, if you’re an anti-immigrant, if you’re racist, it’s perfectly okay to make it loud, and actually to use violence against these people, not only against Latino immigrants, but against other immigrants like Muslims.”

She added, “I mean, they were both using the same — maybe different words, but the same hate speech, right? Maybe Rubio would say, like, oh, well, I support immigration reform for enforcement. But I will also get rid of Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals, meaning DACA, aka, I will deport these young people, as well as their families. Trump just says this in a more vulgar way. That’s the only difference. But it’s basically the same thing. I’m going to deport everybody who’s not here with documents.”

Garibay further stated, “[O]ne party has made it okay to say you can hate people, you can spit on them.”

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