AZ Sheriff Babeu: 170% Year-Over-Year Increase In Illegal Family Units, BP Not Allowed To Go Into ‘High-Traffic Areas’

Pinal County, AZ Sheriff and Congressional candidate Paul Babeu (R) stated that ” Hundreds and hundreds of thousands of illegals that are coming in. And we pointed out, there’s not just a 25% increase in the first four months of this fiscal year, there’s 102% increase in unaccompanied juveniles, and 170% year-over-year increase in family units” and Border Patrol agents aren’t allowed to go into “known high-traffic areas” a move he said “is intentional” on the Obama administration’s part on Tuesday’s broadcast of the Fox News Channel’s “Your World with Neil Cavuto.”

Babeu said, “I stood with Border Patrol agents, Brandon Judd and other leaders, right here from Arizona, as well as from Texas, the top sectors, that are being overrun. Hundreds and hundreds of thousands of illegals that are coming in. And we pointed out, there’s not just a 25% increase in the first four months of this fiscal year, there’s 102% increase in unaccompanied juveniles, and 170% year-over-year increase in family units. And so, you don’t have to be a Border Patrol agent to figure out what’s happening here. And the president, and what is disturbing is that these Border Patrol agents are not only releasing these illegals out the front door, in many cases they’re not giving an NTA, which is a notice to appear. Which was a joke to begin with, because most of them never showed up for their court hearing, but they’re not even giving them this paper any further in many instances.”

He added, “And here, we have 82,000, 123,000, each year, just in this one place in Arizona. and Brandon Judd had said this today, as well as other Border Patrol agents. We’ve seen it here in our country, that the leaders of Border Patrol have their agents in this area, x marks the spot, and they have to stay there, and not go into these areas that are known high-traffic areas.”

Babeu concluded, “When we have to worry about the safety of our officer, and relinquish parts of our own country where they have signs still in my county, written in English said it’s dangerous for American citizens to travel, because there’s cartel members there, we’ve got a problem here. And that’s what Brandon said, I said today, is that this is intentional. These are deliberate plans, the finishing touches, if you will, of president Barack Obama, on completely gutting our immigration laws. And this is lawlessness at its best here.”

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