WATCH: Palestinian Mufti – How to Beat Your Wife According to Islam… ‘No hitting that will bring the police or make her face ugly’

JERUSALEM – On a TV show, a Palestinian Mufti discussed the proper way for husbands to beat their wives according to the Koran, Palestinian Media Watch (PMW) reported.

During a weekly Palestinian Authority TV program on social issues, the Mufti of Gaza, Hassan Al-Laham, explained that Allah instructed men to take four steps – including hitting their wives – in order to resolve marital disputes before resorting to divorce.

Al-Laham stressed that while “she became your wife and is under your command,” hitting is to be used only after warning her and separating from her “in the bedroom” has failed to achieve the desired result.

Even then, hitting should never end up as a severe beating:

“Not hitting that will bring the police, and break her hand and cause bleeding, or hitting that makes the face ugly,” Al-Laham said.

Moreover, the hitting should “be like a joke,” even reinforcing “the love and friendship” between the couple:

“This hitting is a kind of reminder that the love and friendship that Allah commanded is still found between [the couple].”

PA TV routinely broadcasts shows relating to women’s rights in Palestinian society. In one show that was subject to reruns, the topic of man’s right to sex was explained:

“This woman may not and has no rights to deny him this right to sex. … A woman must [only] leave home at the discretion of her husband. … The woman should obey her husband and please him.”


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