Ben Carson: ‘I’m in Great Danger Because I Challenge the Secular Progressive Movement’

In an interview on New York City WABC radio’s “Rita Cosby Show” on Thursday, GOP presidential contender Ben Carson explained the threats he has faced during his campaign and how he and his staff have taken “reasonable precautions” to confront those issues.

“I prefer not to talk about security issues, but I have recognized and people have been telling me for many, many months that I’m in great danger because I challenge the secular progressive movement to the very core. And you know, they see me as an existential threat and they know that. But I also believe in the good Lord, and you know, we take reasonable precautions.”

Carson emphasized that he considered the threats to be serious.

“I believe the threats are serious,” he continued. “They wouldn’t even be considering this if the threats were not serious.”

(h/t BuzzFeed)

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