Jeb: Admitting Refugees ‘Bad Idea’ If No Screening, Take In ‘Every’ Christian Who Will Die If They Stay

Republican presidential candidate and former Florida Governor Jeb Bush stated that while allowing Syrian and Iraqi refugees into the US is “a bad idea if there’s no screening,” “we should take every Christian Iraqi and every Christian Syrian” in a position where if they stay, they’ll die on Thursday’s “Hannity” on the Fox News Channel.

Jeb said [relevant remarks begin around 5:40] allow refugees is “a bad idea if there’s no screening. And, I for one, think that we should take every Christian Iraqi and every Christian Syrian who, are in a situation right now that if they stay where they are, they’ll be killed. That’s the world that — a Christian lives in the Middle East with Islamic terrorism, we have a duty, I think, to help people. But the best way to solve this problem, is to lead the world in creating a third way, which is to eliminate ISIS from the face of the earth, and to remove Assad, so that there could be a stable Syria. It is a tragedy that 11 million people have been displaced in a country of 23 million, and 250,000 probably, have died under the brutality of the Assad regime.”

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