Obama: ‘America’s Winning Right Now America’s Great Right Now’

President Obama declared, “America’s winning right now. America’s great right now” in a speech to the Business Roundtable on Wednesday.

Obama stated, “Despite the perennial doom and gloom that I guess is inevitably part of a presidential campaign, America’s winning right now. America’s great right now. We can do even better. But, the reason that I’m so confident about our future is, not because of our government, or the size of our GDP or our military, but because, everybody in this country that I meet around the — regardless of their station in life, their race, their religion, the region they live in, they do believe in a common creed, that if people work hard in this country, they should be able to get ahead. And, I know that’s what you believe. [Those are] the values that you try to instill in your companies as well. My hope is, is that that decency, that hard work, that common sense is going to be reflected here in Washington.”

(h/t Mediaite)

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