Giuliani: We Are At More Risk Now Than Before Sept. 11, 2001

Friday on the 14th anniversary of the Sept. 11, 2001 terrorist attacks, former New York City mayor Rudy Giuliani proclaimed on NYC’s AM 970’s “The John Gambling Show” that we are more at risk than we were prior to this day 14 years ago.

Giuliani said, “I think I feel almost the emotion I did then. I have the same anger and the same feeling of loss, with the same sense that with what’s going on in the world, we are at even more risk than we were then. Seems like we haven’t learned our lessons from the past.”

He continued, “I’m so concerned about ISIS and al Qaeda and Iran, and the president’s basically, kind of, state of denial of the dangers that Iran poses to us. It reminds me of the days before September 11, when we were in a state of denial over bin Laden when he declared war on us. The USS Cole—we did nothing about it and then all of a sudden—bam—we have September 11. Now we got a president who doesn’t want to say Islamic terrorism. We got a president who has made an agreement with a mass murder, the Ayatollah, who has just yesterday said he believes Israel will be gone in 25 years—so I just feel somehow, somebody is not reading history.”

“I think President Bush did exactly the right thing. Within ten days he hit them back so hard in Afghanistan and kept them tired up so for long that they couldn’t make more plans to come and kill us but since we have backed off and taken our troops out of Iraq—drew a red line in the sand and then did nothing about it, I think they once again believe we are a country—that can be taken advantage of.”

“The only thing they understand, because they are, I’d say they are insane. The only thing they understand is power,” he added.

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