Carson Has Heated Border Drone Exchange on CNN: ‘Read My Lips’

Sunday on CNN’s “State of the Union,” Republican presidential candidate Ben Carson defended his  comments about the possibility of using drones at the Mexican border in a heated exchange with guest host CNN’s Jim Acosta.

Carson said, “It is quite clear what I said, I was border? I said that drones are excellent for surveillance. You know, along that border. We have miles and miles, and, you know… So drones can help with the surveillance, and no way did I suggest that drones be used to kill people. And I said that to the media at the time. I said you guys, some of you are going to to be saying that Carson wants to use drones to kill people on the border, and how ridiculous, and I hope that at some point we have responsible media to focus on the problem. We have a huge security risk there.”

When Acosta asked about drone strikes on the cartels Carson said, “That is a total lie. I said that. a drone could be used to destroy is the caves used to hide people.”

Acosta continued to push causing Carson to say, “Please, please. read my lips and listen carefully to what I am saying. I said that there are caves. There are caves that they utilize, and those caves can be eliminated. There are a number of possibilities, and that could be one of them. I am not talking about killing people. No people with drones.”

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