Coulter: ‘Awful Lot’ of Post-1970 Immigrants Seem to Want to Be Patronized

Columnist and author of “Adios, America,” Ann Coulter argued that “an awful lot of of our post-1970 immigrants” seem to be asking for the same patronizing treatment that black Americans have received from the left on Friday’s “Varney & Co.” on the Fox Business Network.

After host Stuart Varney quoted a CBS story that stated that polls suggested “Barack Obama’s presidency has not united whites and blacks” Coulter argued, “my thesis, completely proved, by recent events, was that for decades the left patronized blacks in America. Oohed and aahed over every little thing they did, that led to race riot after race riot, and was just a disaster for the black community, and that the best thing that ever happened to black Americans was the O.J. verdict, because white America was so shocked to see so many black people cheering a verdict that, pretty much all white people thought was wrong, a guilty man was going free, but that really ended white guilt in America, and that subway card just didn’t open the turnstile anymore, and suddenly blacks stopped being oohed and aahed over, they were treated like adults, suddenly you had this flowering of genuine black intellectuals, who were always there, we just never saw them on TV before, and it was a wonderful — really the best period of race relations, certainly in the last 50 years or so, from the O.J. verdict right up until around midway through the Obama administration. And then liberals realized, I don’t really blame Obama so much, but I blame him little bit, but liberals realized we’ve got to start the white guilt thing going again, and gin up black people to vote for the first black president, and vote for him again, and we’re going to accuse Republicans of racism here and there and not hold blacks responsible for things like Ferguson and Baltimore, and that’s what’s led to the disaster we’re living in now, we’re right back into David Dinkins’ New York, except it’s throughout the country.”

After Varney said that the “great American middle is harmonious,” Coulter responded, “I think you are beginning to be wrong on that, Stuart. And though, I’m glad to have you here, by and large — what you describe was absolutely 100% accurate from 1600 until 1970. But we really weren’t bringing in races from all over country. It was a pretty homogeneous country. It was biracial. It wasn’t diverse. It was always about 80% to 90% white, 10% to 20% black. And we’re having enough trouble with that must diversity. Well, starting in the ’70s, so that the Democrats could start winning elections, they were dumping the poorest of the poor, cultures that are vastly different from our own, on a lot of middle-class communities, and it tends not to be people like you who you will notice, because I bet you don’t live in up particularly middle class community…it’s the middle class that’s bearing the cost of all this Third World immigration.”

She concluded, “Oh, of course, America is a very non-racist country, but we’re getting racism in reverse. I mean, you would think with everything that’s gone on in Ferguson and Baltimore, again, we’re back to David Dinkins’ New York, you would think that a lot of these — the newcomers, the immigrants would look around and say, ‘Why is it this one group of people are treated like children in America? Let’s not do that. Let’s not burn down buildings because of some phony story about hands up, don’t shoot.’ But instead what — oh gosh, an awful lot of our post-1970 immigrants seem to be saying is, ‘We’re black too, we’re going to go around and charge white America with our grievances and we have a list of them here.’ I mean, look at that — the Muslim who shot up five American servicemen last week, his yearbook quote was my name…[Mohammad Youssef Abdulazeez], [paraphrasing] ‘My name causes national security alerts, what does your name cause?’ Oh, screw you, Mohammad, you should be happy to be here.”

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