Scarborough: Media Need to Be Careful on Trump or People Will ‘Tune Them Out’

On Tuesday’s airing of MSNBC’s “Morning Joe,” co-host Joe Scarborough took aim at the media for neglecting to point out the number of times embattled Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump distinctly called Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) a “war hero” despite having made disparaging remarks about his war service.

According to Scarborough, the criticism of Trump is warranted but the media are not giving him a fair shake and risk losing some of their audience because of it.

“[H]e spent all day yesterday saying he was a hero and that he called him a hero,” Scarborough said. “And I looked at all the news reports late afternoon. Nobody, nobody was covering that. Nobody. And there is a real danger for The New York Times and The Washington Post and ABC, CBS, NBC — everybody else, that if they don’t get this right — I know they’re trying to cut his head off for a reason. He said a horrible thing. He quoted a horrible joke from Al Franken. I understand. They say this is the end of him. He’s at the top of all these polls now. They need to be very careful or people are going to tune them out. Of course, we have already said Donald Trump has to be careful. It’s deplorable what he said. We’re shocked and stunned and deeply saddened by what he said, etc., etc., etc. We said it all day. But you look at those clips, Mika, and at this point, they’re looking at a five-second horrible, deplorable Al Franken joke and trying to end his presidential career. And I think they’re missing their target.”

(h/t Mediaite)

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