MSNBC’s Díaz-Balart: Does America ‘Really Care’ Hillary Not Taking Media Questions?

Tuesday on MSNBC’s “The Rundown With José Díaz-Balart,” host José Díaz-Balart discussed the concern from some media outlets over 2016 presidential candidate Hillary Clinton’s refusal to take on the press.

He asked, “How much is this just the press just whining? Does the rest of America really care that she has answered nine questions or 12 or 50 or 100, does that really matter?”

The senior politics editor for The Daily Beast. Jackie Kucinich agreed saying, “I don’t really think America’s paying attention yet to the fact we aren’t getting our questions answered. I just don’t know if they care at this point. The danger, though, is Hillary Clinton is not known to be the best person on her feet with questions. So if she does have a misstep further down the line when she is answering questions, there will be less time to recover.”

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