Cruz: Voters Wonder ‘What’s the Difference Between’ GOP and Dems

Senator and presidential candidate Ted Cruz (R-TX) stated that “more than a few voters” are asking “what exactly is the difference between a Democratic and Republican majority?” in a speech on the Senate floor on Thursday.

Cruz said, in a speech on the nomination of Loretta Lynch to serve as Attorney General, “I would note a particular onus falls on the new Republican majority. For several months, I’ve called on the Republican majority to block the confirmation of President Obama’s executive and judicial nominees, other than vital national security positions, unless and until the president rescinds his lawless amnesty. I’m sorry to say the majority leadership has been unwilling to do so. The Republican majority, if it so chose, could defeat this nomination, but the Republican majority has chosen to go forward, and allow Loretta Lynch to be confirmed. I would note, there are more than a few voters back home that are asking ‘what exactly is the difference between a Democratic and Republican majority when the exact same individual gets confirmed as Attorney General, promising the exact same lawlessness, what’s the difference?’ That’s a question each of us will have to answer to our constituents when we come home.”

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