Levin Criticizes Jeb’s Association With ‘Israel Hater’ Adviser

On Thursday, talk radio host and author of “The Liberty Amendments,” Mark Levin criticized Jeb Bush for him discussing foreign policy with James Baker and considering adding him as an adviser.

“They’re [the Bushes] very close to a man named James A. Baker III…Jim Baker, much like Barack Obama, has always had a hate on for Israel…there’s this real contempt” Levin stated.

Levin then outlined Bakers past, such as his allegedly remarking “f*ck the Jews” in a private conversation, his desire to punish Israel for its strike against Iraq’s nuclear reactor, barring Benjamin Netanyahu from the State Department’s building, and authorship of the Iraq Study Group’s paper that recommended the US move its foreign policy closer to Syria and Iran and away from Israel, as evidence that he was “hostile to Israel.”

He then turned to Baker’s planned keynote before the J Street conference, a conference that will include PLO Chief Negotiator Saeb Erekat, who was one of the lead figures in the spread of the false story of the 2002 Jenin massacre. Levin also argued that J Street is “a real Israel hate group.”

Levin concluded “why would Jeb Bush reach out to James Baker III, another Israel hater, and bring him into his campaign to be an advisor?”

Levin also said that Baker “spent most of his time undermining the conservative wing of the Republican Party and the Reaganites.”

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