Gowdy to Dems: In Future ‘You Will Beg’ to Have Law Enforced

Representative Trey Gowdy (R-SC) said that “when you play political games” with the rule of law “you may benefit today, tomorrow you will beg to have the law enforced” on Thursday’s “America’s Newsroom” on the Fox News Channel.

“The rule of law is the greatest equalizing, unifying force we have in our culture. And when you play political games with it, you may benefit today, tomorrow you will beg to have the law enforced, so just be careful what you do with it today” he stated.

Gowdy also responded to the president’s argument that his executive action on immigration does not impact all illegal immigrants, stating that the president should be asked “if you can do 4 million, can you do 8 million? And if you can do 8 million, can you do 11 million? And if not, why not? Ask him, he’s a former Con. Law professor. Ask him to explain why 4 million’s okay but 4.5 million isn’t.”

He added that in the past, “Republican presidents have also, in my judgement, exceeded their constitutional boundaries. But, Bill, that doesn’t make it right. That just means both parties have been wrong. I wasn’t in Congress when Republican presidents were in power, I’d like to like someone would stand up to their party and say, ‘Mr. President, you can’t do this.'”

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