Time’s Up for ‘Clock Boy’ in New Court Ruling

Clock Boy with Sudanese Bashir Ashraf ShazlyAFP
Ashraf Shazly/AFP

Time is up for “Clock Boy” Ahmed Mohamed, according to a new court ruling. The Texas teen was made famous for bringing a homemade digital clock-in-a-box to school where it was mistaken for a “hoax bomb.”

On Tuesday, a Dallas federal judge again dismissed a lawsuit brought by the Mohamed family against the City of Irving, the Irving Independent School District, and others. The complaint alleged the civil rights of then 14-year-old Ahmed Mohamed were violated in 2015 when police detained the MacArthur High School student in connection with the clock incident.

At the time, no charges were filed against him once the situation sorted itself out, but the teen served three three days of suspension. His parents then withdrew him from Irving school district and relocated to Qatar after Ahmed accepted a full scholarship from a Qatar Foundation school, as Breitbart Texas reported.

In this new court ruling, U.S. District Judge Sam Lindsay “dismissed with prejudice” the lawsuit filed by Plaintiff Mohamed Elhassan Mohamed, the father of minor son Ahmed. This means the dismissal is final. The judge also ordered the Mohamed family to pay their lawsuit-related expenses. The judgment stated that “all relief requested by Plaintiff is denied” and that “all allowable and reasonable costs are taxed against the Plaintiff.”

This marked the second time Lindsay dismissed this lawsuit. The family originally filed a 2016 an amended version of the complaint that alleged civil rights violations as well as racial and religious discrimination. Last year, the judge tossed it out, ruling there was no evidence to support the allegations made by the elder Mohamed, who petitioned the legal action on his son’s behalf. Unhappy with that outcome, the Mohamed family indicated they would amend their complaint and file again.

In 2015, the Mohameds demanded $15 million total, $10 million from the City of Irving and $5 million from Irving ISD, and threatened a lawsuit if their demands were not met. They alleged innumerable claims about son Ahmed’s detainment, among them “Islamophobia.” Breitbart Texas reported zero tolerance policies were behind the teen’s troubles. So did the Associated Press.

In 2016, the family patriarch filed a separate defamation lawsuit against a handful of media organizations and public figures. One year later, Breitbart Texas reported that Dallas District Court Judge Maricela Moore dismissed that case for its inability to prove its claims.

During the height of his notoriety, “Clock Boy” became a progressive “darling.” Google invited him to visit their Northern California headquarters. He appeared on “Dr. Oz” and a Comedy Central talk show. Ahmed also hung out in New York with Mayor Bill de Blasio and made a pit stop at the United Nations to rub shoulders with Turkish dignitaries. With his family, the teen flew overseas for photo ops with Sudanese genocidal war crimes theocratic dictator Omar Hassan al-Bashir, enjoyed a Saudi government-funded pilgrimage to Mecca, and toured the Qatari education system where he later received that scholarship. Former President Barack Obama also invited Ahmed to the White House for “Astronomy Night” with other student guests.

TIME Magazine lauded the 14-year-old as one of its 30 Most Influential Teens of 2015 while CNN promoted an online #IStandWithAhmed fundraiser that flopped. It fell short of its lofty $100,000 goal, netting only around $20,000.

On a 2016 summertime visit back to North Texas, Ahmed told reporters he was homesick and said he lost his ability to create.

Follow Merrill Hope, a member of the original Breitbart Texas team, on Twitter.


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